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What is Tantra massage?

➡︎ infinite bliss

The best words to describe it : “Massage as a dance of love " between body of receiver and his energy and touch of giver and his heart .
“Through a conscious and loving touch of the body , combined with the breath , in a safe and sacred space where you are held , where you and all that you are is welcome , where you can connect deeply with yourself and the self - healing possibilities of your body “. 
When a Tantra Massage is given from the heart and with unconditional love , it is a sensual and energetic massage which can reach the receiver on their core and touches their soul . It will integrate their body , mind and soul and it can have a deep healing effect . A Tantra Massage can change the understanding of life and it can affect their whole being on all levels ; body , mind , soul , their sexuality and energy and the way they experience life . 

×「energy」➡︎ infinite bliss

The best words to describe it : “Massage as a dance of love " between body of receiver and his energy and touch of giver and his heart .
“Through a conscious and loving touch of the body , combined with the breath , in a safe and sacred space where you are held , where you and all that you are is welcome , where you can connect deeply with yourself and the self - healing possibilities of your body “. 
When a Tantra Massage is given from the heart and with unconditional love , it is a sensual and energetic massage which can reach the receiver on their core and touches their soul . It will integrate their body , mind and soul and it can have a deep healing effect . A Tantra Massage can change the understanding of life and it can affect their whole being on all levels ; body , mind , soul , their sexuality and energy and the way they experience life . 

What can I experience while Tantra massage?


Tantra massage is a way to discover sensuality of your body and pure sexual energy of your body through the touch  , without any erotic intention or goal to achieve . Although receiver can be fully naked , I am as a giver will have some clothes on.
During session I might touch all your body including Lingam ( for man ) and Yoni ( for woman ), but every time I will get clear concent about where you are agreed to be touched. 

Nowhere to go ,  No one to become ,

Nowhere to go
 No one to become 

Only here and now you meet your body and everything what happens inside of you 



My sessions can give nourishment and deep relaxation , and every time deep connection to your body and energy brings healing to your body .


You can relax and come back to innocent state when you was connected with your sensuality without any erotic intention and expectations of your body . There is no stimulation in tantra massage and no goal to achieve sexual satisfaction during my session. 


Tantra massage is full body massage including genitals area, as every part of body have to be accepted and loved same as other parts , to make you feel you are whole and your body is your temple . 


Human Body needs love and care , and access to inner flow of sexual energy happens through deep relaxation , when you give up any idea of performing or doing  something with your body . Just let it be the way it is and feel whatever is inside of a body now .

Feel whatever is inside of a body now

What is diffence from other massage?

I am guiding you and I am fully present in my touch ,and from my heart , holding space for you with unconditional love . 
Tantra massage is full body massage including genitals , as every part of body have to be accepted and loved same as other parts , to make you feel you are whole and your body is your temple . 
There is no any erotic intention , goal or stimulation in tantra massage and no goal to achieve sexual satisfaction during my session. Please be aware of your intention before you come to session .
“Done with unconditional presence and love and in a pleasurable way , a tantra massage balances the whole system and body , helps to let go of tension and it gives deep relaxation . It brings your receiver back to the core as a sexual being , the innocence and purity we are all born with . Giving a tantra massage with love and working with sensuality and sexuality , without any sexual intention , can be a very healing and empowering experience . " 
Let your soul be touched , your body float , and feel the wholeness that you are . 
I love this experience and would love to share this with all human beings . 

About me 

My name is Atiharsha ( Prem Atiharsha on Sanskrit means “Love and Great joy “ ) ,after I took my Sanyas name I step on the new path in my life related to joy ,which   i discovered in my body ,and all joy that life can bring us day by day without any special conditions , it is inside of us all the time . 
My journey :
I am walking on the tantra path last two years and it gives me more grounding , presence and awareness in daily life , and a lot of Great Pure Joy , that my name Reflects . 
Before I came to Tantra world , I was practicing Osho meditation since 2011 and body therapy as Rebalancing and Pulsations for few years , which gave me deep understanding of myself and emotional release ,and healing of my inner wounds .
This experience made myself lighter in body and opened space to let Tantra deeply come to my life ,and prepared my body to feel subtle sensations and bliss energy which all of us can have access to . 
I was hosting sessions of Rebalancing for woman in Japan , there I used to live till 2022, and mediations groups . 
And  now I totally dedicated myself to Tantra path and would like to share with my clients Tantra massage, which give deep connection with your body , with you sexual energy , brings nourishment and love for your body and soul , and deep relaxation for nervous system and restless mind . 
I would like to share with you this magical journey into life full of bliss, joy  and deep love to your body and yourself . 
My name is Atiharsha ( Prem Atiharsha on Sanskrit means “Love and Great joy “ ) ,after I took my Sanyas name I step on the new path in my life related to joy ,which   i discovered in my body ,and all joy that life can bring us day by day without any special conditions , it is inside of us all the time . 
My journey :
I am walking on the tantra path last two years and it gives me more grounding , presence and awareness in daily life , and a lot of Great Pure Joy , that my name Reflects . 
Before I came to Tantra world , I was practicing Osho meditation since 2011 and body therapy as Rebalancing and Pulsations for few years , which gave me deep understanding of myself and emotional release ,and healing of my inner wounds .
This experience made myself lighter in body and opened space to let Tantra deeply come to my life ,and prepared my body to feel subtle sensations and bliss energy which all of us can have access to . 
I was hosting sessions of Rebalancing for woman in Japan , there I used to live till 2022, and mediations groups . 
And  now I totally dedicated myself to Tantra path and would like to share with my clients Tantra massage, which give deep connection with your body , with you sexual energy , brings nourishment and love for your body and soul , and deep relaxation for nervous system and restless mind . 
I would like to share with you this magical journey into life full of bliss, joy  and deep love to your body and yourself . 


2.5 hours session for woman 〜€200 (full body tantra massage)
2.5 hours session for man 〜€200 (full body tantra massage)

Where can I receive a session of Tantra massage?

My sessions takes place in comfortable venue with relaxing zen atmosphere,  in heart of Lisbon , one step from Avenida de Liberdade . As you see on picture. 

How to book a session with me?

❶ Please fill up the form as you see below at least one day before preferable day , as I need to arrange my time and place which I am renting.
❷ I give only one session a day and only few times a week , to be in good energy and give deep sessions for my clients.
❸ It is not possible to come to my session in few hours after sending request, thank you for understanding. 
❹ For booking and confirmation I will ask you to send 90 euros deposit to my Revolut or MBway. Only after deposit arrives I can schedule the session, thank you for understanding.
❺ We will have short talk about your experience in tantra massage and your expectations. 
❻ I would like to remind you, that my session it is not erotic intentions session or sex service oriented session.
❼ If all what I mentioned above suits you,
I will be happy to give you session and share this deep beautiful process with you , looking forward meeting you! Thank you !

Book a session




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